Contact me today! 888-883-5290 | email
If you are curious if you may be eligible for a subsidy, please see the below chart as a starting point. Several other factors may affect your eligibility for a subsidy so if your income falls in these ranges, and you would like to see what a plan would cost you, please contact us. Amounts are based on what your Modified Adjusted Gross Income will be for 2015. Contact me today! 888-883-5290 | email Jeanine Kinzie is a Licensed Health Insurance Agent, Licensed Life Insurance Agent and a Federally Facilitated Marketplace Enroller / SHOP Marketplace Enroller from Grand Rapids, Michigan. Jeanine is licensed in MI, TX, IN, IL, WI, AZ, VA, AL, VA, & OH.
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Please complete this subsidy application and return to our office for processing. DOWNLOAD SUBSIDY APPLICATION HERE It is the first step in applying for coverage through the Marketplace. It is the paper version of what's not working on You will get a response letter in the mail from HHS telling you how much your subsidy is, then we can assist with your online application. HERE is a link to calculate your potential subsidy for 2014 health insurance. The subsidy is based on a formula the government created to help you afford health insurance. The subsidy amount will be sent directly to your insurance carrier each month in 2014 to pay a portion of your premium. You will need to pay the remaining amount. When you file your 2014 taxes, the subsidy will be adjusted to reflect your actual income. Be aware, you may owe more in taxes if you underestimate your income. It can also be increased should your income fall below your expectation. However, if you are eligible for Medicaid, no subsidy is allowed. Please consult with your tax preparer for personal advise. Jeanine Kinzie is a Licensed Health Insurance Agent, Licensed Life Insurance Agent and a Federally Facilitated Marketplace Enroller from Grand Rapids, Michigan. |
About Jeanine KinzieI love to work one-on-one with my clients to provide safe investment choices which will contribute to the financial success and security of individuals and families. ResourcesCategories
May 2015